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What Is Faith, Really?

I'm feeling compelled to talk about faith this week. With so much uncertainty stirring up just over a year ago, I believe more people are drawn to exploring faith. Myself included. 

Gosh, if I'm frank here, I've had to lean in big-time over the past few weeks. Uncertainty passed in my lane...

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From Burnout To Inspired Action!

Allow me to tell you how I used to roll, why it didn't serve me in the end, and how it lead me to live a more peaceful life that inspires me to spring out of bed in the mornings! 

During my burnout days, I allowed my ego/survival mind to call the shots, which brought me into an exhausting...

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Relationship Boundaries.

My husband and I have a healthy, beautiful relationship. However, neither of us came out of the womb being Jedi masters in what it takes to have a great relationship. Meeting later in life, we both experienced lots of practice of what didn't work in relationships before blending and strengthening...

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Judgment and Discernment

Do we need to judge things or people to function and survive? 

A client of mine and I dove into this discussion about a year ago: It was an intriguing conversation, and it prompted us to both look at it more in-depth. 

One way I perceive it - is our mind evaluates, and our soul loves.


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The BIG Impact Of Giving Grace

If I'm frank, while giving Grace can positively impact you and the other person, it's not always easy.

Before I get into why it's impactful, I thought I'd give a short description of what I've discovered Grace to be.
Disclaimer, while I try and stay away from religious points of view in my...

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Soil For Your Soul.

Hello beautiful soul. 

Today I want to speak about balance, how it relates to nature, and harmony within ourselves.

First, I'll mention the obvious.

When we are upset and triggered, our weather condition inside of our emotional body is rocky. When in joy and peace, we experience calm waters.


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How To Create A Limitless Life!

2020 was not the year many of us expected and certainly not one we will ever forget.

Many lessons learned, lots of growing pains, uncertainty, and stretching to get used to different.

It was a year for the books and one I'm personally appreciative of, even though it squeezed me a bit.

Life slowed me...

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Flow Is The New Hustle!

When you are in the flow and align with who you are, you will attract everything you need. 

Everything that lines up with your organic essence and nourishes your soul will show up without you having to work your ass off. 

Be true to yourself. 

Yes, if you work your butt off and hustle...

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Feel Your Stuff

There was a time when the word skinny triggered me. For many people, that probably sounds weird. I get it. However, as a kid, I related to being skinny as being unhealthy and unattractive.

My first few encounters concerning what I looked like weren't so positive. While the comments I received...

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A Message From My Soul.
More than ever, more people are feeling guided to move into an energy of calmness. It's a season for recharge, balance, and peace.

However, if you felt something other than joy and peace at some point this year, welcome to the party! 

Earlier this year, most of us felt a jolt of many emotions...
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Body Image Insecurities From A Skinny Girl.

It's okay to feel sad. 
It's okay to feel scared. 
It's okay to feel pissed off. 
It's okay to feel. 
Because if you don't feel, you're not going to heal. 
When we spend most of our life resisting our true feelings, those feelings hold us captive. 
Many of us shy away from...

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Vulnerability Isn't Weakness

Did you grow up believing vulnerability was a sign of weakness? 

I did. 

Although my parents didn't express that to me, I didn't observe a lot of vulnerability around me, so I concluded it wasn't something we should do. 

Not to mention, it seemed scary. 

Coming clean about my...

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