Soil For Your Soul.
Jul 22, 2021Hello beautiful soul.
Today I want to speak about balance, how it relates to nature, and harmony within ourselves.
First, I'll mention the obvious.
When we are upset and triggered, our weather condition inside of our emotional body is rocky. When in joy and peace, we experience calm waters.
We regularly feel a peace level when the "current" within us moves towards flow.
In my experience, it's when I follow what brings me joy, which means I'm pursuing what speaks to my soul, not the false identity, otherwise known as the EGO.
Joy brings me to balance within myself, which leads me to peace.
When you hang out with peace regularly and align with your truth, the things that bring you true happiness will quickly line up and manifest in your reality. It happens without stressing out in doing something that feels hard and draining to get what you desire.
With the right balance of water, sun, and dirt, a seed will germinate, and nature supplies it with everything it needs to thrive. It doesn't struggle. It blossoms effortlessly.
Life does the same for us.
However, when we create more burdens, of more things that don't bring fulfillment into our lives, we get lost in a forest that doesn't resonate with our soul.
More is great as long as it's a balance of what will bring you fulfillment in your life.
A few years ago, when I was in deep emotional pain, I had an in-depth conversation with God. I was hurt, angry, and exhausted. In a bed of tears, I said I give up! You have my attention, what do you want from me?
I heard, "trust." Then a moment later, I got "love." "I want you to love unconditionally without expectations." At the time, I thought it meant to love others around me in that way, but later realized it was also a message for me to love myself unconditionally.
Letting expectations go is a big one for someone who likes a bit of control and certainty. It's the unknown, and the mind wants to know what's up.
With nothing to lose, I said okay, I surrender.
Within a few days, after I surrendered the control I was holding on to and trusted, my entire world turned around. Miracles popped up, and love transformed me.
Of course, that is the short version. I put in the work, and the work paid off big time.
Since that day, life continually shows me gardens that are perfect for my spirit. It's the right amount of soil for my soul—a balance that works for me.
When I allow my soul to lead me, I don't get lost in a forest that doesn't serve my heart.
With that, I still screw up. However, I give myself grace and remind myself I'm a soul walking around in a human suit. It's a journey and one that is much easier when we let go and trust.
If you have been experiencing some rocky wave conditions, perhaps life is probing to get your attention to bring in more balance. Balance leads to peace.
For example, it's easy these days to get caught up in social media, binge-watching Netflix, or even overworking, and it feels like it consumes you and the day.
A better way to balance the day is to break it up by doing less of those things and use the extra time to do something like going into nature where there is natural fuel.
Balance. Recharge. Joy. Peace.
Make today beautiful, my friend.
Lots of love.