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Grapes To Wine

The daily practice of surrendering changed my life a few years ago!

Like many people, I had lots of resistance to let go of things that I couldn't control.

Sometimes it takes God to squeeze our grapes, so to speak - to make us uncomfortable to get our attention.

Once I allowed the loving universe to...

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Feeling Powerless In A Situation Is Not Fun.

Being in a situation where you are concerned about expressing yourself with the fear of being judged or ridiculed can feel powerless. 

Especially if you have emotions bubbling up inside that is longing to be expressed. 

In these situations, a few things might occur. The emotions get...

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Secrets To Peace And Happiness.

The mission to create a life that you love comes from knowing yourself first. 

And when you do, life will start to unfold in a way that will blow you away. 

It means getting back to YOU before life hit the fan and remembering who you are. 

Like myself, I bet you know someone who...

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Free Yourself From Busyness.

Is your busyness bringing value or just keeping your mind satisfied? 

A few years ago, I realized I was creating a to-do-list to keep my survival mind happy. 

Although it was useful at times, it filled my day with activities that didn't always bring in results that ultimately nourished my...

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Lose So You Can Gain.

Like many people who are spending more time at home these days, we are taking advantage of recreating our home space. 

Our recent home project involved replacing our oval dining table with a more sizable round one to create the vision we have for our dining area. We want more family...

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Reconnect To Yourself

If you’ve ever had a hard time connecting with someone, it could be an area of yourself that needs healing, which means getting reconnected to yourself. 

I know, I’m starting strong for a Monday!

It’s because I care. Hang in there with me. 

Everything in life is a mirror,...

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A Message From A Flower.

I love flowers, my husband and I put them throughout the house during the week to enjoy. 

Besides the beautiful smell they give off, I love watching them bloom. 

Unlike people, a flower knows it has the potential to fully bloom without an overthinking mind trying to tell it that it has...

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How My "Control Freak" Was Born.

Do you feel like you're in a twilight zone some days, wondering, am I in a movie or a dream? Like what the heck is going on!

If this is you, I am there with you. If not, maybe something else is surfacing up for you, or you are rocking and rolling as usual. Regardless of how you are feeling about...

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What If We Stopped Making Sad Wrong?

Why do we make sad, wrong?

Well, it's not fun, that's for sure. Who wants to be sad, not me! I have things to do, places to go, and none of it involves being sad. 

That was me for a good part of my life. 

Most of us look at this emotion as dark—something that slows us down; it's...

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