Lose So You Can Gain.

Jul 22, 2021

Like many people who are spending more time at home these days, we are taking advantage of recreating our home space. 

Our recent home project involved replacing our oval dining table with a more sizable round one to create the vision we have for our dining area. We want more family gatherings and the fun that comes with connecting to those we love. 

First, it meant getting rid of the old to make room for the new. It’s not always easy, especially if you’ve become attached to whatever needs to go. It wasn’t hard in this situation. However, I’ve encountered times when it was difficult. 

Attachments are challenging to detach from when we believe they will cause discomfort and will take something from us. 

It can relate to things, people, and even a profession. 

I bet you have been in situations where you lost or detached from something, thinking it would be painful and then realized it only made room for something greater. 

Things were better, and perhaps you even felt a sense of freedom from the detachment. 

When something doesn’t support what your soul desires, it will cause some distress. And when your mind is attached to what it thinks it needs, it will often create a blind spot. 

However, the soul always knows what your heart needs to feel nourished and feel fully alive. 
Most of us though, are in our own way. 

Life is more natural than what we’ve grown to believe. 

Once we remove what no longer belongs, life shows up!

Flow to what makes you feel alive. 

Tis the season to get REAL with ourselves and examine if our holding is for our greater good or to satisfy the EGO. 

“If God closes a door AND a window, consider the fact that it might be time to build a whole new house.” 
โ€• Mandy Hale

Allow your spirit to sing to you! 


Hi, I’m Francine, a heart-centered coach, speaker and empowered empath.

I help sensitive-driven achievers break free from overthinking, and emotional overwhelm to find the confidence to lead effectively.

Your ability to feel deeply (your sensitivity) combined with your strong drive to achieve, makes you a rockstar in the field of your profession.

However, it also makes you more receptive to stress, emotional overwhelm, and overthinking. All of this often holds you back from unlocking your full potential in your career and frequently disrupts your relationships.

Does that sound familiar? If it does, I hear you. I also walked in those shoes.

The good news is that you’re not alone. And more importantly, you don’t have to live this way. It’s possible to enjoy success without stress.

It’s entirely possible to channel your ambition in healthy ways and use your sensitivity as the superpower it is.

Let me show you how.

Let's work together

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