Vulnerability Isn't Weakness

Jul 22, 2021

Did you grow up believing vulnerability was a sign of weakness? 

I did. 

Although my parents didn't express that to me, I didn't observe a lot of vulnerability around me, so I concluded it wasn't something we should do. 

Not to mention, it seemed scary. 

Coming clean about my deepest thoughts and feelings to others didn't feel safe. 

What if I'm judged, shamed, or the person I tell doesn't understand or worse gossips about it. 


Nope. I'll keep it all to myself. 

It seemed safer, and if I turn people away with my vulnerability, that could cause loneliness. I didn't want that either, I mean, who does?

What I didn't realized is the very thing that was causing my separation from others, which often resulted in loneliness, was my armor that shielded people from getting too close. It was the piece of myself that feared vulnerability. 

I'll let you get close to me, but not too close. 

Most of us aren't creating these protected layers on a conscious level. Our mind thinks by making us feel fearful it's keeping us safe. Therefore, the layers begin it's creation.

Depending on what you and I have experienced and our beliefs behind it will likely determine how much armor we have that shield us from being our most authentic self to others. 

While it might seem scary, it's worth taking the journey. 

Living an authentic life feels like freedom! The things that once held you back begin to lose a grip. 

What others think becomes less bothersome, and you are motivated by what fuels your soul, not by the EGO mind. 

Only when you don't know yourself, the opinion of other people becomes important. 

My relationships enhanced, and there is not much that stands in my way of what sets my soul on fire these days. 

And as we grow, so does our self-awareness. 

Being self-aware allows us to find what we really want out of this precious life.

Ten years ago, I began my journey of removing those layers that kept me from connecting to others and often kept me from connecting to myself. 

Any by doing so, I said bye-bye to my constant companion, anxiety, and said hello to peace.

Being okay with who you are in all areas is the ultimate self-love. 

We are all flawed and imperfect in the most perfect way. 

And imperfect is beautiful! 

While I still have work to do and more layers to peel, my first few layers were challenging more than any others.  

The good news is anytime we shed weight, things become lighter and more comfortable. 

Growth is progress. 

What I've come to discover is while vulnerability may seem scary, it can also be liberating!

Moving forward into the big unknown often takes courage. However, courage is within each of us to access at any moment.

Be courageous, my friend!


Hi, I’m Francine, a heart-centered coach, speaker and empowered empath.

I help sensitive-driven achievers break free from overthinking, and emotional overwhelm to find the confidence to lead effectively.

Your ability to feel deeply (your sensitivity) combined with your strong drive to achieve, makes you a rockstar in the field of your profession.

However, it also makes you more receptive to stress, emotional overwhelm, and overthinking. All of this often holds you back from unlocking your full potential in your career and frequently disrupts your relationships.

Does that sound familiar? If it does, I hear you. I also walked in those shoes.

The good news is that you’re not alone. And more importantly, you don’t have to live this way. It’s possible to enjoy success without stress.

It’s entirely possible to channel your ambition in healthy ways and use your sensitivity as the superpower it is.

Let me show you how.

Let's work together

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