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Some days are Intense! emotionaltriggers feeling your emotions grief griefjourney healing listen to your body trauma

Yesterday was intense



From out of the blue, I could feel a deep pain surfacing up in me, emotional pain. 


It felt like grief. 


My brain wanted to go straight into trying to figure out why it was happening, problem-solve it, and collect data...

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Letting Go of The Burden of Control grief griefjourney healing healingjourney lettinggo lettinggoofcontrol surrendertoahigherpower

The more I surrender, the more I become open to possibilities only the Divine could conjure up. 

With every challenge, there is a lesson to learn. And if you choose to dive into what life wants to teach you so you can grow from it, there is a blessing on the other side as we become open to...

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Moving forward in grief by surrendering after a loss grief griefjourney healing healingjourney surrender

Part of surrendering is focusing less on the "how" and trusting that God will connect the dots for you. Our role is to show up as willing participants and let the rest unfold. Trying to micromanage every step of the way leads to burnout, overthinking, overwhelm, stress, and often loneliness.


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