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Why should women care about embracing their feminine energy? authenticlife burtout exhaustion feelingalive feminine energy numb selfacceptance stressed understanding feminine energy womanhood
Why should women care about embracing their feminine energy? 
It's not just because it's something we're naturally built to experience.
It's not about conforming to a certain stereotype or societal expectations of femininity.
And it's not about fitting into a...
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From feeling shut down to feeling creative aliveness authenticlife authenticself feelingcreative returntoyourself

As a kid, I loved to create and play. It felt easy to relax, dive into Saturday morning cartoons, and then head out to explore the nature surrounding me. Numerous trees, a river in my backyard, and paths to explore. 


Yet, I didn't love school, which is ironic because I love to learn....

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Shedding the snakeskin... 2020 authenticlife removingthemask shadow

Meet the 2020 me! (see photo below) 


Behind that smile was a woman in her deep shadow stage of unraveling parts of herself that started to surface like a Jack in the Box.   


During that time, it felt like a calling from my soul to shed the...

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Loving and accepting ALL of you! authentic authenticlife authenticself healingjourney selfacceptance selflove shadow

Many people honored Valentine's Day yesterday; whether you celebrated it or not, I hope it was a day of knowing you are loved. 


Depending on where you are in your season of life, it may have been a great day to celebrate with your significant other, or it could have brought up...

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I'm in hiding...kind of alignment authenticlife calling purpose
I'm in hiding.
Well, kind of.
The intense internal pull has been REAL lately. 
It feels like an internal nudge encouraging me to step out to another level of being seen, which means there is still a part of me hiding.
Truthfully, I feel a bit nervous as I...
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Healing leads to a more aligned life... alignedlife authentic authenticlife authenticself healing healingjourney

As you heal, it's easier to be YOU.

Your organic essence arises as the imbalanced ego structure falls.

As you go through the process, you learn to love those hidden parts of yourself you may have tucked away for different reasons.

The mask that once shielded you from being your authentic self...

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