Fast Track into your Divine Feminine Power!


Restoring missing pieces in the foundation of your confidence and self-love.

Arrive home and remember who you are!

Why is it important to feel aligned and awakened as a woman?


Rather than tell you, I'll first tell you how it feels.

It feels safe.

It feels sexy.

It feels expansive.

It feels loving.

It feels soft.

It feels warm.

It feels confident.

It feels free.

It feels radiant.

It feels magical.

How do we get there?

We heal.

Over past generations, many of us haven't felt safe, and when this happens, we rise into our masculine energy, which isn't a natural way of being. While we all have both energies, staying in this energy for an extended period causes overwhelm and disconnection from ourselves if we suppress our feminine energy. When this happens, it causes an imbalance.

Most of the time, we don't even realize it; it's coming from a primal part of us to survive.

At some point in your life, likely in childhood, you didn't feel safe speaking out for yourself and using your authentic voice, so you stuffed your emotions. You didn't feel seen, heard, or validated.

When this happens, a part of us shows up strong, our inner protector, a masculine part of ourselves. While it served us during a critical time in our lives to protect us, over the years, we suppressed other parts of ourselves that long to be seen and accepted by us.

Slowly, we lose ourselves, and often, our relationships suffer because of it.

It's not about wronging the masculine part of ourselves. It's more about integrating those other parts.

Once you feel safe in your body, you start surrendering.
And the women you lost long ago will emerge.

She has always been inside, waiting to be honored, released, and loved by you.

As you integrate these parts, you discover the love you have always desired. Love from YOU. Confidence emerges because your lack of acceptance of yourself no longer controls you.

When we tap into your awakened, aligned essence, we experience another level of feeling aliveness.

I am looking to bring a group of women on this journey to co-create a powerful experience of sisterhood connection and take the next step into creating a powerful, aligned life.


During discovery week, you will learn the fundamental truth about womanhood and begin the process of deep reflection. Then, as you prepare to be awakened and aligned, your paradigm will shift. Ultimately, you start the journey back to the woman who knows her worth, desires, and what matters to her the most.


During the restoring phase, you will identify the hidden programming holding you back. Ultimately, you will find the courage to look into the root causes of unfulfillment and experience letting go of the pain that drains your energy.


During reinvention week, you will realize what is available to the healed version of you. This is the phase where you reconsider your standards, give up compromises, rediscover your passions, and gain the courage to claim your pleasure and joy.

Body Reverence

During the phase of connecting and loving your body, you and your body will become great partners with each other. You will unlearn social conditioning and step toward appreciating your body. Your inner voice of criticism ends here.

Radiant Energy

A radiant woman is a woman who is in touch with her desires. She knows how to infuse life with pleasure. Learn how to discover your desires and the techniques that will allow you to transform your daily routines into pleasant rituals. Then, begin recognizing your next version of self.


New Identity

During this stage, you awaken to a new, aligned identity. You decide how you want to feel and treat yourself. You can determine what negative programming you are ready to let go of and what to replace it with.

More Details 

We meet for 90 minutes via zoom for 6 weeks starting April 25th

(6 -7:30pm CST) (4 - 5:30 pm PST) (7 - 8:30 pm EST) 

Investment -$497

Payment plans will be available. 

Limited spots available. 


  • 1 -60 min individual coaching session with Francine
  • Thoroughly curated teachings with downloadable workbooks for each session
  • Available recordings for each session in case something comes up, or you want to review. 
  • Bonus calls (not required) mid-week for extra support. 
  • Access to a private Facebook page for participants only.   

Community is the medicine. Group settings are powerful and a great way to meet your tribe! 

Feeling the call?

If you feel the call, let this opportunity seize you, and get on the waitlist here! 

Let's do this!! xo