What others say....

Tessie Labbe

A year ago I was completely lost as I tried to wrap my head around my marriage of 15 years ending abruptly. I had been following Francine on LinkedIn for a year or so and every one of her posts resonated with me. I remember the night very vividly…I was begging and pleading God to take the indescribable pain away and send me someone who could help me navigate through this difficult time in my life. Immediately Francine came to mind. I looked her up on LinkedIn and decided in that moment to take a leap of faith and reach out to her to see if she worked with women like me who were at a crossroad in their lives and didn’t know which way to turn. Fortunately for me Francine responded and we set up a time to chat. Let me just say that very call was the beginning to the peace and freedom I so desperately desired. She has helped me to heal deep inner childhood wounds as well as navigate through false beliefs I had about myself. There have been times I wanted to give up because the healing process can be emotionally and mentally exhausting but quitting was not an option. Words can’t describe how grateful I am that God loved me so much he placed someone like Francine in my life. Not only did I gain a significant amount of self awareness, personal growth and a new perspective of how I see my life but I also gained the most loving, compassionate and kind friend for lifeā¯¤ļø¸

If you are going through a dark season in your life and are ready to do the work needed to discover your true authentic self, I strongly recommend you work Francine. Invest in YOURSELF because you are WORTHY and DESERVE to be happy. 

Marcelle Charrois

Working with Francine is everything I could hope for in a coach and so much more! Every session with her has left me with a good belly laugh and a new bounce in my step. She artfully holds up the mirror in every exchange, and each time, I am reminded of who I truly am - a powerful creator of my life no matter what challenges show up in my world. Francine has the uncanny ability to quickly zone in on the core of the struggles we face and the deep set beliefs and mind chatter that get us stuck. Her down to earth approach compassionately guides us back to what we need most to give back to the wounded parts of ourselves in order to heal and move confidently towards our goals and dreams. Having Francine as a coach is a true blessing, and I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone who is looking to be heard, seen and gently ushered into deeper levels of authentic full out joyful living.

Ryane Broussard

Francine has been invaluable in my search to grow and be challenged in becoming a better version of myself. She is connected spiritually, a strategist, thought provoker, and encourager. She has a masterful knack for knowing when to invoke these various skills to bring out a clarity of purpose and desire. She has a way of repackaging your own, sometimes confusing, thoughts in a way that adds meaningful direction and challenge for growth. When looking for someone to learn from about yourself, your professional skills, your career ambitions, and your potential, look no further than Francine! 

Anita Link

"ā€‹Francine's coaching has been invaluable for my business.  Few business coaches can offer the breadth of knowledge she possesses, the real world experience, a record of personal excellence in the workforce, and the energy and temperament needed to get you pumped in order to excel your career.  Furthermore, she is the only professional in the industry that I've ever encountered with the uncanny ability to let you know potential stumbling blocks or what you may experience as you grow exponentially with her guidance and insight."

Wali Islam

"Francine is an open-minded and non-judgmental mentor and a friend of mine. As a life coach, her approach is different yet very effective. She is very skilled to provide good insight on wrong thought patterns resulting in a negative lifestyle. Her friendly, warm and inviting attitude always makes clients comfortable to share, solve and create a better life. Meeting Francine is always a peaceful experience. You will find yourself happy and smiling after having a conversation with her. Francine can shine people’s days with her sincere and committed heart."

Ryane Broussard

"ā€‹Francine's coaching has been invaluable for my business.  Few business coaches can offer the breadth of knowledge she possesses, the real world experience, a record of personal excellence in the workforce, and the energy and temperament needed to get you pumped in order to excel your career.  Furthermore, she is the only professional in the industry that I've ever encountered with the uncanny ability to let you know potential stumbling blocks or what you may experience as you grow exponentially with her guidance and insight."


Anita Link

"ā€‹Francine's coaching has been invaluable for my business.  Few business coaches can offer the breadth of knowledge she possesses, the real world experience, a record of personal excellence in the workforce, and the energy and temperament needed to get you pumped in order to excel your career.  Furthermore, she is the only professional in the industry that I've ever encountered with the uncanny ability to let you know potential stumbling blocks or what you may experience as you grow exponentially with her guidance and insight."


Wali Islam

"Francine is an open-minded and non-judgmental mentor and a friend of mine. As a life coach, her approach is different yet very effective. She is very skilled to provide good insight on wrong thought patterns resulting in a negative lifestyle. Her friendly, warm and inviting attitude always makes clients comfortable to share, solve and create a better life. Meeting Francine is always a peaceful experience. You will find yourself happy and smiling after having a conversation with her. Francine can shine people’s days with her sincere and committed heart."


Cathy O.

"Francine, your gifts are obvious to me and that is that you are able to firmly and decisively pinpoint areas that need change. You not only pinpoint them, but you give solid, easy methods to correct unproductive thinking. You use your gifts to help others achieve their gifts. I believe that anyone who has the opportunity to work with you will be extremely pleased with your helpfulness and knowledge. When I attended your "Unlock Your Greatness" seminar, I loved your positive energy and can do attitude. I felt empowered and that I could achieve my goals."


Ron Judice

"I was helped by Francine in the most powerful way, through talk therapy and then following the advice through practical applications, finding treasure in a spouse or partner and celebrating all that others offer us with displaying an attitude for gratitude in all that life offers us, thank you Francine for all of the encouragement and positivity sent into the lives of me and my family!!!!"


Flo Thunissen

"Francine workshops are amazing. She always makes sure we can get the most out of it.

ā€‹It's fun and yet, we still work on a very deep level allowing us to break free of our fears or things that keep us from moving forward. She gives us tools that we can easily apply in our daily life so we can keep walking in the right direction. I will definitely recommend her workshop to anyone. We all need to improve our deeper self."


Emmette Jacobs 

"Francine is a wonderfully wise woman with great energy and positive vibration. I have attended all of her seminars since meeting her and I've learned lessons that I continue to apply to my life for a better experience and better results. Francine is very knowledgeable on many success principals from different sources and teaches them in her own unique way. The best investment is an investment in yourself and with Francine, you will get high returns, day after day."


Lacey Keenze

"Francine is a powerhouse of energy, love and inspiration. Being a fellow coach, having Francine in an inner circle of support, allows for my own empowerment by what she has to offer. She is very open minded and has a wealth of knowledge to offer."


Chrysta Broussard

"Francine, Thank you so much for putting on UNLOCK your GREATNESS. You touched so many people today. You will be abundantly blessed for your kindness, love and compassion for people. We need more like you in this world."


Tiffany L.

"Francine, "Life is about making an impact, not an income. - Kevin Kruse" Thank you for always stepping outside of the box and teaching me how to grow in order to reach my full potential. I'm stronger today than yesterday and that's thanks to your love, hard work and belief in my abilities."


Judy Hoctor

"Francine possesses a keen focus on customer service. She is friendly, approachable, responsive, team oriented and has the big picture in mind. Francine and I worked together in the Gulf of Mexico and later on strategic objectives for the North America Region at BHI. She comfortably interacted with all levels of the organization and routinely offered thoughtful input on every project she touched. I would recommend her heartily and without reservation."


Tammy M.

"ā€‹When I was invited to attend Francine's seminar, I was going through a dark time in my life. I had lost my job a few months prior and was trying to build a business while facing so much adversity. The invitation lifted my spirits and gave me hope again. I knew it was an answered prayer from God and things were going to get better. The seminar was such an amazing experience for me!! I made some major decisions that weekend. I eliminated distractions that were causing me stress. I also made a decision to go back to volunteering at my church because my heart was touched and made me realize how much I missed it. A week after the seminar, I realized I was fighting resistance in building my business. Something was not right and God revealed some things to me during that week. A passion had been placed within me since the seminar that has me really excited about pursuing. A lot of major changes are happening in my life, and I truly believe that Francine's seminar has given me back my excitement towards life and embracing all these exciting changes. This seminar was life changing for me!!"



" Its a wonderful experience to be at Francine's workshop, it not only healed me emotionally but it also helped me to find a way to fix the issues I have in my Life. The exercises that were done as part of the workshop really helped and Francine has this incredible ability to connect to people and could help resolve whatever issues they have. Long live Francine!!  I'm blessed to see a spirit like you !! "

Elizabeth G.

"Francine has been coaching me as I transition from being a stay-at-home mom to getting my career and business back off the ground. She always asks thought provoking questions that help me arrive at solutions that work for me. Her questions & feedback is spot on! Francine has assisted me with personal transitions as well. Her support has been extremely helpful. During difficult times she is a supporter & my biggest cheerleader. During better days she immediately begins moving into "let's move forward, what's next". She is sensitive to where my heart is, discerning to what my needs are & intuitive about where to progress to move forward and reach goals. My time with her has been and will continue to be invaluable! Francine is always positive, professional, knowledgeable, timely & incredibly resourceful. I've attended a workshop put on by Francine Mathiew Coaching LLC. Francine is  excellent at establishing rapport and  engaging all participants. If you are considering engaging services with Francine I'm encourage you to take the plunge! Francine is amazing, uplifting, professional & knowledgeable."

Alex's story

"Francine because you have brought so much healing to my son Alex, I want to share his story As you know, my husband and I adopted Alex when he was a year old. Over the years, we have witnessed his struggles, mainly fear of failing and being rejected.

I have reached out to counselors over the years, hoping someone would free him of these struggles. Unfortunately, no one got to the root causes and nothing really changed. I continued to pray for God to send someone who would help Alex to find his true self and value. Being a people pleaser was robbing him of what he really needed or wanted.

As you worked with him, I began to see him stand up for himself, to use his voice and let go of the victim mentality. Ultimately he was becoming who God created him to be. Francine, words cannot express my gratitude to you. Even though you had never really worked with kids, you figured out how to relate with Alex. He opened up as you revealed truths to him and one by one, his insecurities melted away.

I am not sure what would have happened to Alex if you had not come into his life. He was very concerned about not being rejected, and this could have easily lead him down the wrong road.

The time you spent with Alex, is evident to many others. In fact, I had his yearly checkup with his naturopathic doctor, who has seen him for anxiety related issues. She has given us ideas on supplements and vitamins to build his immune system which was always fighting off stress. During our most recent check-up, she was so surprised that Alex did not show signs that he was under stress. This is what she wrote in her evaluation:

"I was most impressed with Alex's progress with regard to the things I look for in someone who has had issues adapting to stress in the course of their everyday lives and social situations. I checked Alex's pupil reaction to the light, which I check each visit. I check this as a means to determine if there are issues with adrenal stress or blood sugar and imbalance. This visit showed much improvement, but more importantly, when I asked Alex how he was adopting to The have Alex’s own feeling of improvement, as well as, the pupil reaction test indicators that he is Improving. She went on to say, “I was so encouraged to hear after all of this discussion that Alex had been seeing a life coach. Since our last visit, clearly, Alex is benefiting from the skills he is learning with his life coach and I definitely suggest that he continues to refresh from time to time”. - Dr Jester-Hebert’s

Francine, your passion is freeing people of their insecurities. And what I believe separates you from others is that you not only get to the root cause of each insecurity, but you train people to let go of them one by one, being true to their hearts.

Francine, I could go on and on, but it boils down to this ~ anyone who comes across your path is truly blessed. You have and will leave an everlasting mark in this world and on each person you help. One step toward you is one step closer to freedom! Keep doing what you are doing, you are such a blessing."

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