Hi! I’m Francine


I know firsthand the struggles of overthinking and feeling overwhelmed. And feeling like something is missing in your life while everything from the outside appears to be okay.  But, I also know how fulfilling it is to reconnect to yourself, heal your wounds, and turn your life around. 

By searching for what was missing in my life and feeling a constant void, I landed in the last place I'd never thought to look - within! When you fix the things inside you, your inner world will reflect your outer. As a result, the internal chatter quiets down, stress and overwhelm are no longer constant, and relationships deepen.  

Now as an international master coach, practitioner, speaker, and published writer for articles on coaching topics, I'm on a mission to help people wake up to their own aliveness. 

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What happens when you master your emotions and make your sensitivities work for you instead of against you? Then, you become the powerhouse you were born to be!

As a coach, trainer, and founder of signature transformational programs, I'm living my purpose to help others wake up to their own aliveness.
I understand the pain that comes from heartbreak, no longer feeling fulfilled in a career, dreading Mondays, losing a loved one, and everything in-between that can rock your world. Yet I also understand it is possible to turn things around, no matter how bad they may seem.

In May of 2022, life as I knew it changed in a blink when I lost my beloved husband, Jacques, to suicide.

Jacques, like so many, suffered from depression on and off for most of his adult life. Ultimately, he had a few great years in recent years before he relapsed and took his life. He was more than my husband, he was my best friend, and I was beyond heartbroken.

People wear the "mask of happiness" or the "mask of everything is okay" to cover up their pain. They often don't want to be a burden to others or don't want to be perceived as weak when inside, they are hurting. So many people feel shame, and that's why so many suffer in silence. It takes courage to speak out. Yet, the more we speak out, we make it easier for others to do the same. The circle shouldn't become smaller when going through something, yet it often does.

We become whole again when we begin to love the parts of ourselves we've rejected for so long due to shame.

Helping others love themselves so they can thrive and feel alive again is my jam! It's the most meaningful work I do with the most ripple effects.

If you are a domesticated human, it's a good chance; you have some trauma. You probably have also experienced anxiety, depression, and stress at some point. It is because most of us were not taught to release our emotions, so instead, we stuffed them. Therefore, they become stuck without anywhere to go.

My work is fueled with passion for breaking the silence and stigma of shame behind mental health. Let's make being vulnerable safe and the new norm. Holding back your emotions results in stuck emotions that not only result in anxiety, depression, and stress - but illness.

When you remove the barriers causing you not to feel fully aligned and alive, you experience life differently with more joy and fuel.

Using my intuitive gifts and having a trained ear to recognize barriers in others also promptly allows me to see the gold within them. I help you see your essence that the conditioned mind has hidden from you. Every obstacle removed brings us closer to our organic nature. And we release what needs to be released.

Combined in-depth training, 25 years of experience in leadership, coaching, deep personal inner work integration, aligned with elite authors, practitioners, and healers, with having been mentored by world-class coaches such as Tony Robbin's top-tier Coach and my spiritual evolution aids in bringing a proficiency level of coaching/healing to my clients.

My years of supporting Fortune 500 companies such as Baker Hughes and Morton Salt, where I helped develop top leaders, also offer a diverse background working with different personality traits.



A tribute to my late husband, Jacques B. Favret, and all the others who have passed on that suffered in silence.

Jacques was my king, and now he's, my Angel.  I know, in many ways, he is cheering me on. His love that was birthed in me carries on and his beautiful spirit that made such an impact during his journey here is dancing in heaven. 


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