Individual coaching 

6-month program 


Discover Yourself More Deeply 

Learn how to transition from a life where something is unexplainably missing to feeling alive again! 

Work With Me

Are you a sensitive-driven achiever?

I will help you break free from overthinking, and emotional overwhelm to find the confidence to lead effectively.

Work With Me

It's time for something different!

Like most of my clients, you've probably read countless books and perhaps even spent thousands of dollars on a therapist before.  

And you don't need someone to tell you to think positively. I know you have already tried that too. 

While those things helped you temporarily, you are here because you're still plagued by emotional overwhelm and overthinking that interrupts the flow of your day. 

Unfortunately, when this happens, it often hurts us in the relationship area. It's usually with our partner, kids, or people we lead. 

 You need a skilled, highly trained, open-minded coach who understands the specific challenges you face and has proven expertise. Those who have also done the deep work themselves can bring compassion, understanding, and a wealth of wisdom of what it takes to remove the barriers getting in the way to filling aliveness without life being emotionally draining. 


In addition, you need a coach who can support you with strategies to accomplish the following. 

➔End the sleepless nights by quieting your mind and waking up refreshed each morning. 

➔ Learn to tap into a deeper part of your intuition and trust it. 

➔Feel more present and relaxed with your family, friends, and your team at work. 

➔Build authentic relationship where you feel heard and seen.

➔Have time for the gym, volunteer, rediscover hobbies or things that bring you joy without feeling guilt that you don't have enough time. 

➔Enhance your work-life balance to preserve your relationship from a breakdown. 

➔Increase mental focus to make the impact you know you're capable of driving in the world. 

➔Translate confidence into opportunities like getting a promotion, raise, bonus, or leveling up your business. 

➔Move towards relationship clarity and a new level of communication to feel understood. 

➔Transform anxiety to inner harmony with keeping your edge (what makes you unique and driven). 

➔Fall in love with yourSELF. Nope, this is not an ego trip, this is part of our healing process. And it's been the most powerful work I've ever done. 

Your sensitivity... you know the stuff you can feel on a deep level - it's your superpower, not your weakness!


You're driven to succeed. However, because you process information more deeply than others, you're more susceptible to stress, emotional overwhelm, and overthinking.

Even when you feel on top of your game, deep down inside, something feels missing.

The fantastic news is nothing is wrong with you!

The key is to manage your mental and emotional responses more productively in a healthy way.

The good news is that sensitivity combined with a strong desire to be the best version of yourself can also make you a ROCK STAR in your professional field and relationships. In addition, people with higher sensitivity are often top contributors in their organizations.

Are you asking the questions, "Now what?”

"How does this work?"

Let's find out.

I offer a Six-month coaching program that will support you in getting these results and breakthroughs.

I have limited private coaching spots for those serious about doing the work to get breakthrough results. But, first, we get on a call to see if it's a good fit for you. You can schedule HERE. If you prefer emailing first, you can email me at:  [email protected]

How does it work? I'll discuss more on our call together, but here are a few things to know.

We meet three times a month via phone or zoom conference. In addition, we take one week off each month for integration and processing. So, it's 18 sessions that are 45 to 60 minutes. Plus, fluid commutation via email or text during the week as needed.

How does it look to work with me?

We do the inner work, yet gently, to serve for the most desirable integration and growth to remove barriers causing you not to feel the aliveness you so desire.

We do not add anything. Instead, we remove what doesn't belong, opening you to feel more joy and inner harmony.

Receive guidance to help you develop your intuitive skills where internal wisdom flows, building your confidence and trust.

We establish personal goals with clarity and alignment with your "why/purpose" and work towards a game plan to the desired outcome.


Get in alignment.

It means knowing your authentic essence, what fuels you, and moving towards what's in alignment with it. Being what you think everyone else wants you to be, causes pain living an unfulfilled life.


Yep, we go there because most sensitive-driven achievers struggle with boundaries. They feel guilty about saying no and end up taking on too much. Taking on too much results in overwhelm and breakdown.

Handle your emotions

Learn to get comfortable when those uneasy feelings come on instead of numbing, or running from them, so you can release energy that often causes anxiety and funky feelings.

Oh, and we laugh!

And cry sometimes. You may have grown up believing crying is a weakness. But, on the contrary, it's a release and helps create new neural pathways.

Everything we work on will be in alignment with your organic essence. Ultimately, I want you to feel fully alive and reconnect to what matters most.

Schedule A Call Here

Different payment options are available and can be discussed during our call. 

Beginning March 2023, I will reopen this program with fresh insights, teachings, and tools. I'm bursting to share what I've discovered that's been vital in my healing journey since tragically losing my husband in May of 2022. We're all here to walk each other home, and I'm here to empower you to "remember who you are Mufasa!" Let's do this!!