Journey Through New Doors Of Possibilities



Journey Through New Doors Of Possibilities

Ready to start really living your best life? Then you're in the right place.

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The door you walk out of will be different than the one you entered through! 

See what Dina and Jim had to say after attending "Doors Of Life". 


Some of what you will gain during the event:


Reclaim your power by dropping disempowering stories. It's the stories that creep up from time to time in your thoughts, keeping you stuck. We remove what's resulted in you feeling guilt, shame, hurt, and trying to prove your worth so you can live a more joyful and peaceful life.

Enhanced relationships. All great relationships begin with yourself. We explore self-love, moving you into alignment with your organic self where anything is possible once you truly know who you ARE as the magnificent being you were born to be.

Journey and explore your inner gifts. Most people consider blind spots as something negative that we can't see in ourselves. However, did you know that we also have blind spots that are gifts we can't see in ourselves? I'll walk you through a method to uncover your treasure. We remove the filter that's keeping you from seeing your divine potential.

Grasp how to live more intentionally and on purpose while understanding how to override reaction. We explore the power behind living an intentional life and how it accelerates you to a higher level, seeding into your personal and professional life. You will begin to attract more of what fuels your soul without the overthinking mind getting in the way.

Your Investment

  • 2 powerful days of amazing breakthroughs that will help transform your life
  • Powerful teachings that you won't find in a book or workshop. 
  • One on One Coaching with a Master Coach
  • Workbook
  • Lunch (Saturday)
  • New Friendships with amazing people like yourself. 
  • Lots of Fun & Laughter
  • Continuous support! β€‹β€‹One complementary coaching session with Francine after the event, weekly insightful emails, group gathering after the event (optional), private Facebook page. 

Meet Your Host, Francine Favret


I’m Francine, a heart-centred Coach, Speaker and Empowered Empath.

I designed this workshop with you in mind to help YOU Reconnect To What Matters Most And Guide you To Inner Peace.

I live my life on purpose, leading people to feel fully alive and reconnect to what matters the most. So they can be the powerhouse they were born to be! 
The training and teaching you will receive during this transformational 2-day event are not written in any book. 
Join now and let's explore your inner gifts. I look forward to meeting you at this event

See what Wali had to say after attending "Doors Of Life". 


Here's what people had to say about the event!



"When I first attended Francine's Doors Of Life event I was at a crossroads spiritually. I needed direction and she delivered that plus some. The event really gave me the tools to get a higher level of consciousness. Now with the coaching she has provided me, it has helped me discover my purpose and always be able to center myself when needed. I'm forever grateful for what she has opened my eyes to and I highly recommend her event!" - Zack M

"So much in one event! Self healing, self-development, self search and self-discovery. This walk of learning to love myself was amazing with Francine and friends. Thank you for bringing so much, especially the transcendental experience of fulfillment. (Nirvana)"  - private 

"For the past 2 days I had the awesome privilege of attending Doors Of Life and it was truly and amazing blessing. When God moves he puts folks in our path that help us along the way. Thank you, Thank you, with all my heart Francine for a wonderful experience. Many doors have opened just because of my experience n you workshop. Simply awesome!" - Edna Fusilier

"​When I was invited to attend Francine's seminar, I was going through a dark time in my life.  I had lost my job a few months prior and was trying to build a business while facing so much adversity.  The invitation lifted my spirits and gave me hope again.  I knew it was an answered prayer from God and things were going to get better.  The seminar was such an amazing experience for me!!  I made some major decisions that weekend.  I eliminated distractions that were causing me stress. I also made a decision to go back to volunteering at my church because my heart was touched and made me realize how much I missed it.  A week after the seminar, I realized I was fighting resistance in building my business.  Something was not right and God revealed some things to me during that week.  A passion had been placed within me since the seminar that has me really excited about pursuing.  A lot of major changes are happening in my life, and I truly believe that Francine's seminar has given me back my excitement towards life and embracing all these exciting changes.  This seminar was life changing for me!!" - Tammy M

"Francine put on another great event! Everything turned out nice and I'm looking forward to doing her next event. Two thumbs up!" - Emmett Jacob 

"Doors Of Life was fun! Francine brings out the best in everyone. She lifts you up and teaches you to fly on your own wings. Book early!" - Chris Vige

"You have no idea what you did to me. I am not in a state of explaining things in words right now. Just less than 24 hour of accomplishing "Doors Of Life". I have so much to say and so many times to thank you, my spiritual friend. I could not find the right words to express my true gratitude. My trans state is probably a permanent shift because I'm still there! You are incredible, my friend. You are amazing." - private 

" Its a wonderful experience to be at Francine's workshop, it not only healed me emotionally but it also helped me to find a way to fix the issues I have in my Life. The exercises that were done as part of the workshop really helped and Francine has this incredible ability to connect to people and could help resolve whatever issues they have. Long live Francine!!  I'm blessed to see a spirit like you !! " - Rag

​"There are two kinds of artist: The ones who create their story without awareness, and the ones who recover awareness and create their story with truth and love." - Don Miguel Ruiz