When Resistance Holds You Back

Jan 20, 2022

I woke up to resistance years ago, realizing it had been a daily visitor since I can remember. 

And while I've accomplished many things in my 52 years of life - it still shows up today.

Especially when a new idea comes through, it pops in to give me reasons why it's not that important and why it can wait. 

Even though it doesn't win most of the time these days, it still shows up. It visits everyone from time to time. 

I often pull up my bootstraps to power through the feeling that wants to hold me back, and I feel better for it. And other times, I distract myself, lose momentum, and resistance wins. It's not a feeling I love. However, I use it to understand why I resist in a particular area and discover an inner treasure. It's a gift that helps me connect dots to the reason, so it doesn't win again. 

When we give in, it becomes the enemy of joy. 

And if it wins often, it becomes the enemy of aliveness. 

Like many, you will likely make many plans for the upcoming year in the next week or so. You may even create a vision board, write down your goals, and make a few New Year resolutions. 

With lots of enthusiasm, most people have good intentions to achieve their goals. But, unfortunately, 80% of people fail to stick to their New Year's resolutions for longer than six weeks

We do better when we can identify the barrier of what's holding us back. 

And when we change our habits, we learn how to win consistently. 

John how about we slay resistance in 2022?

All of this is absolutely possible for you. 

So, I hope you will answer my invitation to book a free 15 min call with me on how to move past barriers to resistance. Let's make 2022 your best year yet!

You can schedule HERE

Let's do this! 

Cheers to a fantastic New Year!


Hi, I’m Francine, a heart-centered coach, speaker and empowered empath.

I help sensitive-driven achievers break free from overthinking, and emotional overwhelm to find the confidence to lead effectively.

Your ability to feel deeply (your sensitivity) combined with your strong drive to achieve, makes you a rockstar in the field of your profession.

However, it also makes you more receptive to stress, emotional overwhelm, and overthinking. All of this often holds you back from unlocking your full potential in your career and frequently disrupts your relationships.

Does that sound familiar? If it does, I hear you. I also walked in those shoes.

The good news is that you’re not alone. And more importantly, you don’t have to live this way. It’s possible to enjoy success without stress.

It’s entirely possible to channel your ambition in healthy ways and use your sensitivity as the superpower it is.

Let me show you how.

Let's work together

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