Are you guessing what will make you happy? Learn Why It Can Affect Your Quality Of Life

Jan 20, 2022

This year I'm committed to helping those I support live a more aligned life that matches their true essence. I've traveled that personal journey, and I understand how it can make a massive difference in the overall quality of life.

I spent a good part of my 20's and 30's out of alignment. As a result, my health took a hit, some relationships suffered, and I found myself chasing the carrot stick to what I thought would make me happy, leaving me feeling more depleted.

As humans, we do a lot of guessing about what will make us happy.

Sometimes we are lucky and hit the bullseyes, and many times we are off target, and our spirit knows it. Our gut knows it.

Some of us got in this hot mess because we followed guidance from others on what they thought our life should look like based on their beliefs. Or what we thought would make us stand out and socially sufficient. But, on the other hand, it could have been from the goodness of loving parents and teachers, who thought they guided our fitting—so many reasons.

Regardless, it happens to so many of us.

If we want to get aligned, we need to follow what brings us aliveness.

I genuinely believe we're here for that very reason. To feel alive!

What if that's our purpose?

I believe indeed it is our purpose, and we have over the years complicated it all.

In my experience, it's more about removing what doesn't belong. We're all love, so all the other stuff is what we collected along the way. Some of it serves us, and some of it doesn't.

When I feel my best self, love flows through me. It's not something I ever have to hustle hard at to gain. It's already within me. It's within you too.

Sometimes it's all about remembering who we are, and we shift.

So let's get in high gear to kick what doesn't serve us in the rear.

Allow yourself to get in the driver's seat to steer your life in the direction that speaks to your spirit.

One step towards making a positive change gets us closer. We can all handle one step. Then the next day, another step.

Here's to an aligned you in 22!


Hi, I’m Francine, a heart-centered coach, speaker and empowered empath.

I help sensitive-driven achievers break free from overthinking, and emotional overwhelm to find the confidence to lead effectively.

Your ability to feel deeply (your sensitivity) combined with your strong drive to achieve, makes you a rockstar in the field of your profession.

However, it also makes you more receptive to stress, emotional overwhelm, and overthinking. All of this often holds you back from unlocking your full potential in your career and frequently disrupts your relationships.

Does that sound familiar? If it does, I hear you. I also walked in those shoes.

The good news is that you’re not alone. And more importantly, you don’t have to live this way. It’s possible to enjoy success without stress.

It’s entirely possible to channel your ambition in healthy ways and use your sensitivity as the superpower it is.

Let me show you how.

Let's work together

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