A Recent Mistake Led Me To Find Peace & Excitement In An Unexpected Place!

Aug 26, 2021

A few weeks ago, we mistakenly booked the wrong vacation. 

That mishap leads us to Cambria, California!

I say mistake. However, I don't believe there are ever any mistakes if you know what I mean. 

Just a synchrodestiny that God orchestrates to connect the dots to what will speak to your soul. 

The universe knew just what I desired and delivered more than what I could have possibly planned out. 

Where do I start? 

Well, my adventurous car-loving husband received an email informing him of a car event in Carmel, Ca. 

He sat on the idea for a few days and decided it was something he wanted to do. Ask what I thought, and of course, I said YES!

Good hair days and beautiful weather for a week - yes, yes, yes! 

He decided we would stay in Monterey, which is near Carmel, another beautiful place. 

Accept that the internet, aka the universe, brought him to a place 2 hours and 30 minutes away during the booking process. He booked the trip, thinking he booked in Monterey until he viewed the confirmation. Then, after viewing the area, he thought, what the heck!? It looks nice, and it will give us a different experience. I was on board! 

Neither one of us heavily researched where we were going. When our friends and family would ask - our answer was somewhere in northern California at a place that starts with a C, don't recall the name. 

We couldn't even remember the name of the town. So that is how much we invested in researching and planning. Which for our type A-ish personalities, that isn't the norm. 

We laughed about the cluelessness of our destination on our flight. We said we'll plug in the address and figure it all out when we get our rental car. 

So we did. 

We rented a mustang convertible, took the coastal route, and drove about 3 hours from San Jose Airport to our destination. 

Halfway into the drive, we realized that we weren't listening to our favorite music or chatting it up because we were too busy in awe of the scenery. We were in silence, picking up our jaws off the floor of surprises. I think I said this must be Heaven a few times, and OMG, a bunch of other times. 

The landscapes were breathtaking! 

We traveled through Big Sur and experienced the beauty of Mother Earth from a place of wonder. It was a first for both of us. 

It didn't stop there. 

When we reached Cambria, we were blown away, not only by the beauty but by the people!

It was some of the nicest and friendliest people I was honored to experience. In addition, the customer service was next-level superb. It all seemed genuine, which was in line with the whole vibe there. 

And, of course, the weather was spot on! 

Because our "go with flow" attitude felt tremendous and seemed to be working for us, it carried out throughout our stay there. 

There were no reservations or plans for what we'd do each day. However, it all worked out. As a result, we experienced much more than we usually do on trips that are mostly planned out. 

Most of all, the universe supported our "go with the flow" vibe. 

Anytime we walked into a restaurant, we were seated immediately without reservations, and soon after, the place filled up. It occurred almost every single time we ventured out to eat somewhere. 

It was like God was saying, no plans, no worries. I have your back! We felt like we were being cheered on to trust, live in the moment, to experience a wave of more profound peace and joy. 

And we did!

Tapping into our childlike wonder was also supported. 

Every day, we experienced something beautiful and new. 

I believe what you put out into the world is always mirrored back. 

A few months ago, I began journaling my intentions regularly every morning. I started by saying, "Today, I will experience more flow, peace, and joy. Knowing there is power in words, I didn't use the words "I want. Instead, I reframed it to I will. 

Life answered all of it and showed off a bit. 

Flow, peace, and joy were already existing within me. However, my everyday intentions took it to new heights. 

Our stay in Cambria is one to remember and left quite a lasting impression. I don't think we'll ever forget the name again. :)

We made our way back to Carmel and visited Monterey, which was lovely to end the trip. 

With all of this said, while this trip was magnificent, you don't have to go on an adventurous journey to experience bliss, wonder, and peace. 

You can encounter it where you are now. 

Bliss, wonder, and peace is a gift that is inside of each of us. 

Once we make this place of inner harmony our home, we will automatically attract more bliss experiences. What you and I regularly unleash unto the world is what pops up in our reality. 

Say yes to what shows up in your life aligned with your essence, and let God do the rest. 

Yes, it can be that simple! 

Wishing you more days of bliss. xo 


Hi, I’m Francine, a heart-centered coach, speaker and empowered empath.

I help sensitive-driven achievers break free from overthinking, and emotional overwhelm to find the confidence to lead effectively.

Your ability to feel deeply (your sensitivity) combined with your strong drive to achieve, makes you a rockstar in the field of your profession.

However, it also makes you more receptive to stress, emotional overwhelm, and overthinking. All of this often holds you back from unlocking your full potential in your career and frequently disrupts your relationships.

Does that sound familiar? If it does, I hear you. I also walked in those shoes.

The good news is that you’re not alone. And more importantly, you don’t have to live this way. It’s possible to enjoy success without stress.

It’s entirely possible to channel your ambition in healthy ways and use your sensitivity as the superpower it is.

Let me show you how.

Let's work together

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